
爱情探戈 海报

Lionel is a seducer. His success with women provokes his friend"s jealousy. One of them, Alain, challenges him to seduce a beautiful woman chosen at random, to fall in love with her and spend a night with her wit......更多详情

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Lionel is a seducer. His success with women provokes his friend"s jealousy. One of them, Alain, challenges him to seduce a beautiful woman chosen at random, to fall in love with her and spend a night with her without making love. Claire is the chosen victim. Behind Claire"s prim and proper facade there lurks a lusty, full-blown and demanding sexuality. The self-control that Lionel imposes on himself (with difficulty) to win his bet begins to intrigue Claire. She decides to take the offensive. As Alain tells the story to young Sophie on a café terrace three years later, Lionel"s misadventures comically upset several popular prejudices concerning virility and male sexuality.



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  • 1楼3.5。爱情和探戈一样,揍是趟啊趟着走。。

    2010-12-25 来自:山东济南

  • 2楼在法国,总能有奇特的遭遇和各种打赌,电影是为了讲故事,不爱讲道理

    2012-01-02 来自:吉林长春
