
死亡欧洲 海报

Australia"s Tony Krawitz (Jewboy, The Tall Man) directs the adaptation of The Slap author Christos Tsiolkas" award-winning novel in this searing film about history, guilt and secrets.更多详情

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Australia"s Tony Krawitz (Jewboy, The Tall Man) directs the adaptation of The Slap author Christos Tsiolkas" award-winning novel in this searing film about history, guilt and secrets.



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  • 1楼一看到名字里面有欧洲,就可以想到这会是一个多么"人性"的故事,精分、同性、乱伦、诅咒、谋杀、二战阴影…萦绕在欧洲人心头的二战阴影,一直是西方人热衷的题材。之前的《龙纹身》就是这类题材的佼佼者。二战就像影片中若有若无的男孩一样,难以具体名状,又确确实实影响着欧洲。

    2013-05-10 来自:河南焦作

  • 2楼MIFF 2012. 8/19.

    2013-05-10 来自:浙江杭州

  • 3楼一个很有料的重口味故事就这么被浪费了,即使Marton Csokas的演技小宇宙爆发也依旧无济于事,这个故事把老爹的重口味二战往事也演出来,再加上这个主打悬疑的寻根之旅,估计才会是一部杰作,但看现在的故事,尽管噱头众多还是显得过于干瘪,大部分时间在仿若小清新附体的云淡风轻中浪费了。★★

    2013-05-10 来自:辽宁

  • 4楼at Luna Leederville

    2013-05-10 来自:甘肃兰州

  • 5楼雷。外焦里嫩。

    2013-05-10 来自:安徽六安

  • 6楼真的没有看过这个片,但我真心喜欢ewen leslie,从小时候看他演的连续剧到现在,澳洲生活的童鞋知道怎么联系他吗?

    2013-05-10 来自:河南郑州

  • 7楼one of the 12 films that participate in the Sydney Films Festival competition. although it may be produced by some famous producers, the film is actually not comprehensible and doesn't achieve the director's great ambition. there are too many elem

    2013-05-10 来自:山东聊城

  • 8楼Europe's been dead since they failed the Jews and had to bear with guilt. The only real curse in this world is your conscience beating yourself up. The random sex and threesome display how fucked up they are in a way.

    2013-05-10 来自:北京北京
