
少林杀手:血钱 海报

Zheng Zhou is the most fearedwarrior from the Shaolin Dynasty in China. His fighting and weapons skills arelegendary. But when his parents are killed and sister kidnapped, he turns to alife of drugs and crime tha......更多详情

少林杀手:血钱在线观看温馨提示:需要安装 吉吉影音播放器 观看影片



Zheng Zhou is the most fearedwarrior from the Shaolin Dynasty in China. His fighting and weapons skills arelegendary. But when his parents are killed and sister kidnapped, he turns to alife of drugs and crime that will almost kill him. With the help of Hong Kongsnotorious Dragon Triad syndicate, Colombias biggest drugs cartel hatches anelaborate plan to traffic two tonnes of crack cocaine through the Port of Miamiin America and ultimately into Australia and China. But when the partnershipturns sour after the Cartel holds a Triad family member hostage, the Triadsrecruit Zhou to rescue the girl and kill the Colombians. What ensues is abloodied street war across three countries. Zhou turns international Hitman withan arsenal of hi-tech surveillance devices, explosives, high powered weaponryand an array of fighting skills dating back fifteen hundred years. But just asZhou rescues the hostage and takes control of the entire drugs shipment...



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  • 1楼确定这是12年的片子?各种假

    2014-06-26 来自:上海上海

  • 2楼好难得没看这么烂的片子了....完全不知道再演什么...

    2014-06-26 来自:四川阿坝

  • 3楼居然写主演刘家辉,骗关注撒

    2014-06-26 来自:未知

  • 4楼2013.5.22

    2014-06-26 来自:广东深圳

  • 5楼什么鬼东西,各种装x,然后这种死

    2014-06-26 来自:四川攀枝花

  • 6楼垃圾

    2014-06-26 来自:河北秦皇岛

  • 7楼耍酷,情节跳跃而且无趣,不值得一看。

    2014-06-26 来自:陕西汉中

  • 8楼哈哈哈,这种功夫跟铁拳有得一拼了好在人还是学邵氏加上美式摔跤。这个剧情更差,打斗更差。开头都有一个腿夹脖子,但真得连国产电视剧燕子李三都不如3985

    2014-06-26 来自:黑龙江哈尔滨

  • 9楼这也叫电影?

    2014-06-26 来自:安徽安庆

  • 10楼可以不给星吗

    2014-06-26 来自:安徽合肥

  • 11楼苦大仇深,弱智脑残,拖戏骗钱~

    2014-06-26 来自:未知

  • 12楼喝酒都咽不进去

    2014-06-26 来自:陕西榆林

  • 13楼真的挺差的,不是太无聊就别看了。

    2014-06-26 来自:广东深圳

  • 14楼烂片

    2014-06-26 来自:河南驻马店

  • 15楼打斗辛苦,挣一星

    2014-06-26 来自:上海上海

  • 16楼1/1

    2014-06-26 来自:河南许昌

  • 17楼这是啥啊?为了刘家辉打两星

    2014-06-26 来自:上海上海

  • 18楼心情激动时脸会抽筋的歪嘴面瘫脑残杀手..

    2014-06-26 来自:安徽芜湖

  • 19楼烂啊,不过有一个老外露点了

    2014-06-26 来自:云南昆明

  • 20楼心情激动时脸会抽筋的歪嘴面瘫脑残杀手,什么烂JB玩意儿……

    2014-06-26 来自:山东青岛
